Hey all Roland fans!
The happy day is here: Roland JP-80×0 update is now available! We went above & beyond while working with the JP-80×0 update. Entire framework got re-written which was quite a task to say at least.
I did not count the commits I pushed to our GIT, but I would estimate 90% of the code got under inspection and re-write. That would result around 63 000 lines of code 🧐
Anyway, to summarize what has been changed: it’s everything. We did new graphics, with resize option of course. We did new MIDI system settings in the background to work out the transmission and receive process a lot smoother! Also, one of the long term issues has been fixed: librarian crash when making the initial scan of the JP-80×0 plug-in, woo hoo!
Version 2.6.0 / 2020-03-17 – Change Log in our Documentation Site
* [MAC] Support for macOS Catalina. User data moved to /Library/Audio/Presets/Mystery Islands Music/(plugin-name)/ folder. User must manually copy sound data from old /Documents/Mystery Islands Music/ folder to the new location.
* [New] Completely re-wrote the plug-in framework. It is still backwards compatible :-).
* [New] User Manual included with up-to-date instructions and explanations of functions. User manual located in data folder.
* [New] Release All Locks function added. Read more from the user manual how it works under certain circumstances.
* [New] Quick Save function added. Read more from user manual.
* [New] Open Data Directory function added. Read more from user manual.
* [New] User Interface resize function is working now.
* [New] User Interface graphics improved.
* [New] Patch Librarian now includes search function. Read more from user manual.
* [Fixed] Sounds were recalled in Mono in some cases. This might be the case until you re-save your project after re-selecting the Mono mode to off status.
* [Fixed] There was a lot “time out” issues under certain circumstances.
* [Fixed] In some cases, JP-8080 caused “Device not found” messages.
* [Fixed] Librarian caused plug-in to crash when making the initial scan. This should be fixed now.
Speaking of User Manual mentioned in the change log, we did it finally! Complete User Manual for Roland JP-80×0 plug-in is now available and big thanks to everyone who contributed on making it simple, clear and to the point. Special thanks to Steve Johns!
You can download the user manual from link below:
You can download the FULL installer from https://www.mysteryislands-music.com/downloads/ if you already have the full license.
Demo version can be downloaded from https://www.mysteryislands-music.com/product/roland-jp-80×0/
Product Documentation, including Online Manual and User Guides for various DAW‘s in our documentation site: https://docs.auraplugins.com/kb/
Now is a great opportunity to catch up with music projects and basically everything you have wanted to do! Take care of yourself and your loved ones <3