Waldorf Blofeld Editor v1.0.0 is out now! We made a lot fixes and improvements since RC1, thanks to everyone who participated! :-)
We were doing a lot debugging before pushing out the version 1.0.0, since we found something, what you might find out as well:
- When you are reaching the limit of the Blofeld polyphony or you are pushing the data stream to limit, some sounds start to cut off every now and then.
You might find that “oh yeah I know what you’re saying“. But the reason for this is really the fact that Blofeld starts to dump random sounds every now and then from Blofeld (at least our Blofeld Desktop). Our Editor does not make any requests for those patches, you can check that with whatever sort of MIDI monitor tools. We did and we found nothing.
We did not test if this would happen if MIDI was driven to Blofeld via regular DIN cable (hmmm..). Worth a shot! So, set MIDI in at bloX Editor from Blofeld USB and try to route MIDI out from bloX via regular DIN cable.
Anyway, back to the update story. Here is what we did:
- [New] First run splash screen.
- [New] User is no longer able to see Multi actions from Bank Edit Menu while in Patch mode and vice versa.
- [New] Added about… item in Bank Edit Menu.
- [New] Added registration status to Bank Edit Menu.
- [New] When multimode controls are moved, the entire multi bank will be sent to hardware.
- [New] When multimode controls are moved, data is only sent after mouse control is released.
- [New] When multi bank is sent to hardware, plug-in sends only unmuted parts to the hardware.
- [New] When global controls are moved, data is only sent after mouse control is released.
- [Fixed] If DAW is running, plug-in control display does not show other parts automation changes in it’s display.
- [Fixed] Plug-in crashed DAW while playback was on. This was caused because blofeld sends random sysex packages to editor, without requesting any.
- [Fixed] When project was recalled or data was pushed to hardware, “receiving sysex” was stuck on the display.
- [Fixed] Part 1 is enabled by default. Parts 2-16 are muted due to total recall time. Tech: First packages take up to 3 seconds to clear the Blofeld display and only after that we can send individual parts to hardware.
- [Fixed] When multi parameters were adjusted, patches in all parts got broken.
- [Fixed] Global Program RX and TX menu items reworked.
- [Fixed] Multi Tempo and Volume work as expected. These are included in the multi chunk, so please be patient when adjusting these parameters.
- [Fixed] Multi chunk was missing part 9 details in all.
- [Fixed] Bank name was not recalled after saving a bank to HDD with Save as or Overwrite.
- [Fixed] Some librarian graphics issues improved.
- [Other] Made minor change to vertical slider so it has a bit more depth. Easier to read when black scheme is selected.
Complete history of changes here:Â Waldorf bloX Change Log
Main User Interface:
We hope you will enjoy this update. Update is free for all the existing bloX license owners.
Download the update from https://www.mysteryislands-music.com/downloads/
As always, we appreciate our customers feedback and we want to make our products better. Thanks to everyone participated so far :-)